Learning Agreement Boku

Learning Agreement BOKU: What You Need to Know

If you`re a student who wants to study abroad, chances are you`ll need to complete a learning agreement as part of the application process. A learning agreement is a document that outlines the courses and credits you`ll be taking during your time abroad, and it`s an important part of ensuring that your academic progress stays on track.

If you`re planning to study at BOKU (which stands for the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna), you`ll need to complete a learning agreement that meets their specific requirements. Here`s what you need to know.

What is BOKU?

BOKU is a university located in Vienna, Austria. It focuses on natural resources and life sciences, including fields like agriculture, forestry, and environmental science. Studying at BOKU can be a great opportunity to gain hands-on experience in these fields while immersing yourself in Austrian culture.

What is a Learning Agreement?

A learning agreement is a document that outlines the courses and credits that you plan to take during your time abroad. It`s often required by your home university and the host university as part of the application process. The learning agreement helps ensure that you stay on track academically and receive proper credit for the courses you take while abroad.

What should be included in my Learning Agreement for BOKU?

Your learning agreement for BOKU should include the following information:

1. Your personal information, including your name and contact information.

2. The name of your home university.

3. The name of the host university (BOKU).

4. The dates of your study abroad program.

5. The courses you plan to take while at BOKU, including the course codes and titles.

6. The number of credits each course is worth.

7. Any special requirements or restrictions for the courses (such as prerequisites or language proficiency).

8. Any additional information required by BOKU or your home university.

How do I fill out my Learning Agreement for BOKU?

Your home university will provide you with a learning agreement form to fill out. You`ll need to gather information about the courses you plan to take at BOKU (such as the course codes and credit values) and fill in the appropriate fields on the form. Be sure to double-check that all the information is accurate and complete.

Once you`ve filled out the form, you`ll need to have it signed by your academic advisor or study abroad coordinator at your home university. They`ll be able to provide guidance and make sure that your learning agreement meets all the necessary requirements.

Finally, you`ll need to submit your completed learning agreement to BOKU. The specific process for submitting your agreement will vary depending on the university, so be sure to check with BOKU`s study abroad office for instructions.


Completing a learning agreement is an important part of preparing for a study abroad program, and it`s especially important if you`re planning to study at BOKU. By following the guidelines above, you`ll be well on your way to submitting a complete and accurate learning agreement that meets all the necessary requirements. Good luck!